#NephMadness 2019 - Baylor College of Medicine

The Section of Nephrology in the Department of Medicine atBaylor College of Medicine hosted a #NephMadness 2019 kickoff party thisyear.  The event was a valuable windowinto trends, updates, and points of contention within the field of nephrology.Participants were preassigned a topic or region of the bracket, spoke 2-3minutes about each topic and made a case for which topic they believe shouldwin in front of an audience. #NephMadness brought faculty, fellows, residentsand students together in a setting that is both fun and educational. Here aretheir perspectives:

Medical Student:

I was excited to attend. Last year, I put all of my faithbehind the Animal House Region only to discover that few people share myinterest in how the noble camel manages to store enough water to survive lifein the desert. After that disappointing defeat, I was hopeful that this partywould give me inside information about the fellows’ and attendings’ thoughts oneach of the regions. It was entertaining to see which topics received unanimoussupport and which topics split the crowd straight down the middle. Thelighthearted drama of the debate paired with the festive decorations for eachregion made for a great afternoon. I learned a lot but most importantly I havehigh hopes for my bracket this year and am excited to see the final results!

Jennifer Kaplan, MSIV @KingdomPlantayy

Internal Medicine Resident:

Many residents only experience nephrology on the inpatientconsult service, which, although valuable, limits our perception of kidneydisease to the acute setting. Fortunately, #NephMadness runs the gamut oftopics, from hospitalist medicine, to vasculitis, to transplant, to C3-i andmore. It is an excellent demonstration of the diversity and breadth of thefield. Moreover, the #NephMadness party at BCM creates a sense of community andinclusivity within the program. Medical students, residents, fellows, andfaculty are all invited to present regions of the #NephMadness bracket in bothsmall- and large-group settings (while enjoying pizza and popcorn). As someoneinterested in a career in nephrology, this event is a way to interact with thefellows and to get face-time with the nephrology faculty.

Jefferson Triozzi, MD @triozzijl

Nephrology Fellow:

#NephMadness is a fun opportunity to learn about nephrologytopics in bite-sized, non-textbook language which make it approachable andrelaxing! As a first-year fellow, because I have multiple discussions aboutchoice of IV fluids and inpatient hypertension management on a daily basis; Idecided to dive deep into learning the Hospitalist Region. I co-piloted mypresentation with a resident named Jefferson--see his thoughts above! Hesummarized perioperative medicine and I discussed the IV fluids bracket.Together we designed and shared a handout for our winning pick. This handoutwas received well and, as a bonus, helped sway the audience in our favor. Iwas pleasantly surprised to see the number of medical students and residentspresent. Thanks to the power of social media, the turnout for #NephMadness(previously only nephrology fellows and a couple attendings) has grown.

Sayna Norouzi, MD @Saynanorouzi


This year, I had the honor of hosting the Baylor#NephMadness bracket filling party. The room followed each fellow’spresentation along with the official #NephMadness PowerPoint presentationbefore voting. Being in the front of the audience tallying the votes, I couldsee how excited and energized the room was as we progressed through ourbracket. This energy was only partly attributed to the bracket filling; it wasmostly due to the number of sugary treats brought to represent the brackets! Thanksto the support of the Section of Nephrology, we were able to throw a successfulparty this year! #NephMadness is a marvelous way for everyone along the medicalprofessional food chain to engage in a little friendly competition whilst learningtogether in a relaxed/entertaining environment.

Natasha N. Dave, MD @natashaNDave

Dr. Dave is wearing a Nephrun T-shirt and Dr. Norouzi had a #NephMadness cap!

Cereal (Lucky charms) = C3 section
Bottle pops = Dry on dialysis
Sour flush = Wet on dialysis
Black bullet Mario Kart sour treat = Substance toxicity
Popcorn = Bile casts section
Dumb dumb lollipops = Old school
Twizzlers = Hyperaldosterone section
Skittles = Opiates, NSAIDs
Ring pops = Lactated ringers
Starbursts = Tramadol, GABAnergics
Star Wars (May the force be with you) Coloring Books = Terlipressin, Norepinephrine
Normal saline and Lactated ringers to represent their respective sections were tried by a brave few after the festivities
Red, white and blue sparkly mini hats = US HTN guidelines
Blue beaded bracelet = Light chains
Mini microscopes = ANCA vasculitis
Maintaining the basketball theme, we also passed out miniature basketballs/trophies to everyone as well!


Rhabdomyolysis Infographic


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